NXT TEC. Ltd (NXT) is set to revolutionise the global construction industry – currently estimated to be worth $9 trillion – with its fully integrated proprietary technologies that are of the globally respected Australian industry standard.
Our world is moving faster than ever before; fuelled by technology, we see humankind striving for bigger and better things all the time. But, if we take the time to stop and look closely, despite the pace of development, the world has a lot it can do better. This is particularly true in the construction field as, while increasingly impressive structures go up around the globe, the industry still builds in much the same way as it always has.
Until now.
NXT brings full technological integration to building – from the foundations to the skylight – in a way that opens up more opportunity for more people to prosper, with less impact on the planet.
NXT improves all-round efficiency by simplifying, standardising and managing the building process from design to manufacture to assembly. By using smarter materials in a more intelligent way, NXT solves the time, risk and quality problem for project owners for large-scale commercial, hospitality and affordable housing building projects.
Six steps to completion
The days of approaching construction with traditional methods are fast losing relevance. NXT solves construction demand at a fundamental level by harnessing the power of technology. In conventional construction, faster builds usually require more people, and therefore have more associated costs and safety risks. Conversely, builds that take longer than estimated compromise quality when time and money begin to run out. Both situations result in a project owner bearing the risk of a structure not being built to standard, budget or time.
The NXT system of assembly, as opposed to constructing, requires six steps with a small team of people, significantly reducing risk for the project owner.
All components of a project, from the foundation up, are fully designed and manufactured offsite to specification and local compliance standards. The technologies then lock together within the NXT® Building System onsite, requiring just a small team of moderately-skilled personnel.
NXT® Technologies do not require scaffolding or welding onsite, significantly improving site safety. Further, the NXT® Building System is well-suited to being assembled in challenging build conditions, including on clay soils, within earthquake-prone zones, during wet weather and on sites with limited access.

Superior productivity
Construction demand is growing as urbanisation and populations increase. Despite this, the global construction industry has bottom quartile profit margins, largely due to skilled labour requirements and poor productivity.
Technology now stands as the means to improve the way we build on a scale far grander and more efficient than ever before. NXT is harnessing technology to significantly improve productivity within the building industry.
All too often in the construction industry, materials are either poorly fabricated onsite or quality is compromised when timelines and budgets blow out. The weather typically determines how efficiently a build is completed, until now. With offsite manufacturing and no concrete pouring or curing onsite, no propping and no scaffolding, NXT assembly sites are lean, with efficiency front-of-mind.
The NXT® Building System improves productivity by simplifying the building process from design to completion. Using smart, patented technology, NXT is demonstrating it can assemble buildings 50 per cent faster than conventional construction.
Conventional construction also requires additional materials and costly waste removal. The NXT® Building System reduces waste with materials ordered and prefabricated specific to the assembly, so standards and budgets are inelastic.

Sustainably building
With a shift in awareness of industrial environmental impact, there is more demand than ever to reduce the environmental footprints of construction projects all over the world.
NXT offers a 100 per cent prefabricated solution that delivers cleaner, greener projects when compared to conventional construction.
NXT ensures its technologies are sustainable in every phase of construction. That means environmentally sound, waste-free, long-lasting, quality building technology that is financially accessible and able to be implemented across the globe.
Traditional construction sites go hand-in-hand with materials wastage. Accuracy and precision are at the heart of the NXT® Building System. NXT projects are assembled with technologies that are designed and manufactured according to predetermined specifications and do not require timber formwork or concrete onsite, meaning no wastage of excess materials.
NXT engages local manufacturers that use recyclable materials, reducing fuel emissions associated with transporting prefabricated technologies and also supporting local industry. All NXT® Technologies are reusable and 95 per cent recyclable with material compositions that provide insulation, improving the energy efficiency of its projects.
NXT® Technologies extend a structure’s life, and those of the materials, with the ability to be disassembled and reused. With smart design, the NXT® Building System reduces the embodied energy of a building structure. Additionally, with technologies precisely manufactured according to the project design specifications, NXT assembly sites have minimal materials wastage.
NXT’s research and development programme has determined the efficacy and efficiency of the NXT® Building System through rigorous testing across all areas, including structural, fire, acoustic and environmental.
Based on a 9,200sqm, 10-level structure, key findings that demonstrate the sustainability of the NXT® Building System include:
NXT® Building System technologies increase the efficiency of the materials, reduce onsite waste and result in 92% of the structure being recyclable steel and concrete.
NXT® Spacedeck™ requires 25% less concrete than conventional flooring, resulting in reduced carbon dioxide emissions when compared to conventional construction.
Using the pre-finished panel within the NXT® Non-Structural Panel - an internal wall system - reduces volatile organic compound when compared to conventional construction.
The entire NXT® Building System reduces total emissions, when compared to conventional construction, due to reduced onsite equipment, machinery and labour.
Find out more about our commitment to environmental sustainability here.
Also view our EPD details here EPD Australasia (External link)
Download our Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) here

Commitment to local
We’re for every nation.
NXT is committed to supporting local economies by standardising and simplifying the building process with lean and local component manufacturing delivered and assembled onsite. In developing countries where building contractors are often required to deliver to a price, the standard of work and material typically drops and the future total replacement costs for sub-standard structures are a significant burden. As a result, countries worldwide are seeking better construction technologies and implementing stricter standards.
The NXT® Building System technologies are designed, manufactured, assembled and installed to comply with the Australian Standards (AS) and Building Code of Australia (BCA), exceeding the building standards of most countries. Using the NXT® Building System results in substantial efficiency improvements, which means a higher quality, future-proofed product.