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NXT steps up to support the fight against COVID-19

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.

In times past, we heard stories that our grandparents told us of the efforts and sacrifices that they and their families made in times of war and hardship. And now, we are living through even more extraordinary times. And we too have an opportunity to show our leadership, resolve and empathy in the face of adversity.

With our nation still reeling from a catastrophic summer of bushfires that left thousands of Australians displaced, we are now dealing with an even more unprecedented humanitarian and public health crisis of global proportions.

Throughout this summer NXT TEC. Ltd (NXT) has been engaging with Federal and State governments across Australia about our rapid deployment accommodation solution in response to the bushfire crisis.

At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic poses additional challenges for governments in every jurisdiction, including how to protect particularly vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, chronically ill or homeless, as well as people who have been affected by the virus directly or indirectly.

Here at NXT we have been inspired by news of other companies around the world re-focusing and re-purposing their products, services, supply chains and networks to respond to this situation. And we are also prepared to step up and do our part by providing a ready-made solution for one of the essential needs in the current circumstances.

Whilst potentially affected individuals have been advised to go into quarantine at home, this may put families at risk and may not provide adequate protection for the broader community. In addition those who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 are required to be placed into safe accommodation during recovery.

NXT believes that a temporary accommodation solution is needed which can provide housing to vulnerable groups or create quarantine camps for individuals who are affected by the virus. The NXT™ Flatpack is an Australian designed and manufactured, all-in-one rapid deployment accommodation turnkey solution that is highly suited to respond to disasters of this nature and scale.

This high-quality, affordable housing solution can be deployed quickly to create emergency camps in the form of clusters, where Australians can be supported temporarily while they self-isolate or recover without risk of exposure to the community. Once these quarantine camps are no longer required, individual units can be moved and re-purposed as accommodation for victims of bushfires or maintained as emergency camps in case there is a repeat of the bushfire crisis or emergency accommodation solutions are required to meet other challenges in future years.  


Safe, affordable and able to respond quickly to any crisis, this entirely Australian (no imported products or materials) solution is manufactured off-site by local manufacturers and assembled on-site by local tradespeople within 24 hours. Other key features include a high bushfire attack level rating (BAL‑40), wind region D cyclone rating, high insulation properties and environmental certifications. 

This rapid deployment solution may be particularly suitable for regional and remote communities which do not have existing infrastructure or the resources or time to provide emergency accommodation using traditional construction methods. 

In addition to the public health benefits, and just as important for the Australian economy which has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, one hundred per cent of the manufacturing and assembly of our NXT™ Flatpack occurs locally, and will deliver economic stimulus to the jurisdictions in which they are deployed.  


However, ensuring the health and safety of all suppliers, manufacturers and builders involved in the entire supply chain remains of paramount importance. In this regard, the NXT™ Flatpack is more than simply a “product” that is supplied, it is a building technology solution that is licensed by us to local manufacturers and builders. This means that the NXT™ Flatpack can be rolled out in another jurisdiction without the need for materials or personnel to cross borders.

NXT was founded to create affordable housing solutions for those who need it most. We are proud to step up and contribute our building technology to support the fight against COVID-19 and we will continue to engage with relevant decision-makers in each jurisdiction about what we can do to help.

Find out more about the NXT™ Flatpack COVID-19 Crisis Response Accommodation and Buildings here.

Interested in investing in NXT or NXT projects, please contact us

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