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NXT® QUARANTINE HUB – Western Australia


At present Australia’s Federal and State Governments and public health authorities are continuing to manage the ongoing humanitarian and health crisis of the COVID-19 global  pandemic.  While Western Australia has so far avoided any significant outbreaks, it is evident that the rest of the world is struggling to contain the spread of the virus.

Returning Australians, overseas travellers, and transmission incidents in hotel quarantine present a significant and ongoing risk to the health of WA’s residents. The State Government understandably has an obligation to support stranded overseas-based Australians and ensure they can return home safely, but this must be balanced against putting the wider community and economy at risk. 

The hotel quarantine system was a temporary solution, and has served an important purpose in the initial emergency response. However, the selected hotels are located in Perth’s CBD which is highly populated, and hotels were not designed to contain infectious diseases, as purpose-built quarantine facilities should.

Since hotel quarantine was established in March 2020, there have been numerous cases of security guards and returned travellers contracting COVID-19 at various hotels. Some of these infections have led to costly lockdowns impacting people and businesses, and in particular small businesses within the hospitality, retail, tourism and arts sectors. In addition, lockdowns can also increase the risk and incidence of social, mental health and domestic violence issues.

As WA transitions to reopening the border, our state urgently needs a safer, more effective solution. 



We have the technology right here in WA to do just that.

NXT has a ready-made, designed and manufactured accommodation solution using the unique NXT® Building System to provide affordable, high quality and virtually immediately available units suitable for a 1000-bed quarantine hub to be based outside the Perth metropolitan area.

The Master Builders Association recently estimated that a purpose-built 1000-bed quarantine hub located just outside Perth would cost $20 million and take 15 months to be completed. The Victorian Government has also unveiled plans for a 500-bed facility (that could be scaled up to house 3000) at an estimated $200-$700 million construction cost, as well as a $15 million design bill.  By comparison, the proposed NXT® Quarantine Hub will provide a much more cost-effective, durable and rapid deployment solution that is safe, spacious and private.

The NXT® Flatpack is an Australian designed and manufactured, all-in-one rapid deployment accommodation solution which can be used to house people in need of emergency, temporary and permanent accommodation. 

In particular, it can be used for permanent or temporary applications including: 
•    COVID-safe quarantining of affected individuals
•    Isolation of returning travellers and vulnerable individuals 
•    Clinics and testing facilities
•    Additional hospital beds and equipment for surge capacity
•    Temporary Intensive Care Units
•    Accommodation for essential healthcare workers

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  • All-Australian made and no imported products or materials.

  • Suited to urban, rural and regional areas which would require additional resources or time to provide emergency accommodation using traditional construction methods.

  • Self-sufficient and suitable for areas which do not have existing infrastructure, utilities or services.

  • A rapid deployment solution delivered to site as a system of prefabricated precast materials, that can be assembled within 24 hours per unit using common hardware and with simple fit-outs.

  • Utilises local suppliers, manufacturers, trades and labour, which can create up to 400 local jobs (based on manufacturing and delivery of 100 NXT® Flatpack units).

  • Units range in size from 25m² to 75m², and various configurations and fit-out options are available to suit different requirements and budgets.

  • High Bushfire Attack Level (BAL-40), cyclone rated for wind region D, suitable for earthquake prone areas, NatHERS 7-star energy rating, and has achieved structural and acoustic compliance.

  • Meets Australian Standards (AS), Building Code of Australia (BCA), all safety requirements and has been accredited with an international Environmental Production Declaration (EPD) for its environmental performance.

  • End-to-end project management from procurement to delivery, assembly and quality assurance by NXT.

  • National network of reputable and qualified builders, certified by the Federal Safety Commissioner, who can undertake building and assembly utilising their building licence and maintains insurances.

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Each NXT® Flatpack unit weighs 21 tonne and is suitable for cyclonic, bushfire and earthquake-prone areas.


The NXT® Flatpack is designed, manufactured and built in Australia to the following standards and codes:

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EMERGENCY Disaster Relief Accommodation

NXT® Flatpack can be used to create an emergency camp in the form of clusters and/or re-purposed for future use. This NXT® Flatpack configuration is a compact design featuring dual entry and can be fitted with a kitchenette.

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TEMPORARY Accommodation

Stand-alone NXT® Flatpack units can be relocated and/or converted for permanent or temporary use. This NXT® Flatpack configuration is single entry, and can be fitted with a kitchen.

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PERMANENT Quarantine Facility and Commercial Infrastructure

The NXT® Building System technology can rapidly deploy permanent accommodation and buildings suited to high density areas. It is a faster, more affordable and higher quality alternative to conventional construction.

NXT™ Building System




41 Mordaunt Circuit
Canning Vale

Western Australia 6155

ACN 609 134 269

P +61 8 9481 6919


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